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Karate Classes 
Tuesday and Thursday 5pm

Karate isn't a martial arts to be taken lightly. Once you start, it is a way of life. From the way you wash and fold your Gi, it is an art in itself. Karate becomes a new way of learning and embracing the traditional ways makes the path more understandable.

No matter if you do this for fitness, self confidence or self-defence, the journey will come with highs and lows, but regardless of how long you train, you will never stop learning.

"Nothing is more harmful to the world than a martial art that is not effective in actual self-defence."


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday - 16:30 - 21:15

​Saturday - ​09:00 - 13:00

Forge Lane, Chemix Building, Halesowen, B62 8EB

Tel: 07889627929

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