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Boxing is the quickest way to get fit and this is fact. We train hard, whether you are looking to compete or not, we will get you fit in no time. Our classes are hard, they are challenging but they get the results that you want. The reason why so many come back time and time again is not just because we get you the results you want... but because our gym is one big team, supporting each other, pushing each other and feeling the pain together. If you want results, if you want to train with the best, if you want to get fit. We're the gym to come to and that's the truth. 

Boxing Benefits

The benefits of boxing training include improved muscle tone especially in the upper body area, improved physical stamina, improved hand-eye co-ordination and reflex; increased metabolism and rate of calorie-burn and improved focus and alertness. It also challenges both aerobic and anaerobic systems, improves posture and balance and is a good cardio workout for heart and lungs. In a nutshell, you'll get fit and you'll get fit fast. 

Drop Fat Get Abs

As I've explained, its aerobic and anaerobic workout this means you drop fat. You drop fat by skipping, press ups, pad work, bag work, and giving it your all for an hour. Because it is so good you do not need to spend hours upon hours in the gym. A few sessions for a very reasonable amount of money will give you results. Try one class and see the difference.

For All

Anyone can learn to box.  Boxing training is suitable for everyone, male or female, young or old as the focus is on building up fitness and mental agility. It will make you fitter, it will make you stronger, it will improve your overall well being and you'll be part of a team. We will do it together.

Train To Fight

For the fighters in you, we will also train you to become a champ, if thats what you want. We currently train champs and semi professional boxers who want to fight in a professional way.We offer sparring classes, light touch. This does take dedication and hard work but we offer nothing but support along the way. For more information on this please call and have a chat with me.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday - 16:30 - 21:15

​Saturday - ​09:00 - 13:00

Forge Lane, Chemix Building, Halesowen, B62 8EB

Tel: 07889627929

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